Humble Pie

“To Stand Up is to Stand Out”

So I’ve been struggling with something.

It’s letting the world know what I am doing. I’m trying to be selective in the public arenas to which I present myself.
It’s not very inspiring!
So, here goes.

If you are reading this, you know me.. You know who I am and how I operate on a general basis. What I want you to do now, is see me differently.

My name is Brandy Shaw. I am a Creative Passion coach. I work with creative individuals, who are ready to step out and up from the space they are in now. I help you find out what makes you glow.Or since you already do, how to glow BRIGHTER! How do you craft your creative light?
I want you to live from that place of pure creativity. Put THAT out in the world, and see what is created! Make no mistake though. I pull no punches and make no apologies. You will work hard. Because it’s all for you in the end. YOU decide how far we go. YOU decide when to jump/leap/and grow. Let’s craft your life to live your light.
So that’s who I am. It may sound a bit like fluff. It’s not. There are tough questions and sometimes, tougher answers. It all depends on how MUCH you want, whatever it is you want. How far are you willing to go for your dream, your vision, your perfect life? I work with people who want to live their creative light. All the time.

Imagine that.
This is what I want, what do you want??

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