“If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.”

It’s been an interesting month.

I started a course non-related to anything in my life. (except books), I’ve kind of learned to ski, I’ve injured myself learning to ski, and am working two jobs.
That’s a lot to take on.
For the first time in my life, I am loving the chaos. All this flexing and bending and learning has made me hungry. Literally and metaphorically.

For what?

I am not sure.

I am thinking for flux and change and of course, new adventures.

When I was last up the mountain, I fell, fell hard. I was hurt and in pain. At the same time, I really wanted to finish my run. That’s how determined I am to learn how to ski. I haven’t loved a sport this much since I played soccer as a littler girl.

Someone(s) very close to me in my life,  says I give up too easily on things.

As I get older, I found that yes, I do.
Whether its from fear, imagined remembered pain, or even actually succeeding at that one awesome, amazing thing.
It could be all three.

I can ski. It’s hard and exhausting, and extremely challenging. And I’m kind of in love with it.
Even though it f*%&ed up my knee for now.

I remember this feeling.
Grit and determination to pursue something I love.

Welcome back.
Now, what else can I learn to do, be and love.

There’s always room for more.