Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,” he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. “Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.~ Barack Obama

The Voice.

No….no, not that TV reality show that Christina Aguilera is on.

The Voice, your voice. The one you use to make your mark in the world.

Yeah, now we are on the same page.

I was thinking about this lately.

How people can talk SO much, and not say anything. There is also people who can say little, and speak VOLUMES.

What makes a voice?

Whether it be through writing, speaking (publicly or otherwise), or artisically.  How is that voice making an impact on the world?

What about your voice?

How do you use it?

In what media is it booming out unto the world’s ears and eyes?

And most of all, most of all dear readers, IS IT EFFECTIVE?

By effective, I mean does it generate attention, new interested parties, and curiosity?

I have a tendency to talk a lot. Not always because I have a lot to say. I find when I’m writing, words seem to have more power, more oooomph, on the page.  I also tend to use less of them.

There are no ‘ums, ands oh, uuuhs’. It’s fluent,  and flows like a river.  I feel like I am reaching further and touching farther, then with speaking out.

But is my writing voice effective?

Is it garnering the responses I want?

Am I getting noticed?  Is this the way I want to spread my puppy passion gift upon the world?

How do YOU keep that effectiveness in your voice?

I’ve learned, by hanging out on the block for a bit, that it’s a bit of a challenge.

There is so much new, improved and better yet information zooming at us from all sides.

But all the information in the world, although amazing to have under our hats, doesn’t replace heart and soul.

Or stories, because everyone is fascinated by a good story.

So please, use your effective voice, tell your powerful story, and keep bringing the awesome.

Like Barack Obama says, we’ve got work to do.