The Same but Different


When you read something, watch a show or read another’s work, what about it sticks with you far after you’ve left it?

What keeps you coming back to that one passage, quote or picture, again and again?

When I write, it comes from a place deep inside. Even when I write a draft down on paper, what comes out when I sit down at my keyboard, is inevitably something completely different.  I don’t know how it happens. It just does, I’ve learned to accept that there is a fountain, somewhere inside me that allows for this.

Please do not think I am bragging, I’m not.  It’s not a gift if you brag about it.

So as I sit here, I am thinking about a conversation I had recently with a friend. I asked if they had read any of the blog lately. What came out of that conversation is that the premise is different and the outcome the same.

Which,  in a way , is completely astute.

It also got me to thinking. How do I change that?

As people looking to teach and educate and spew out feelings (sometimes), how do we create differently, and yet with the same vivaciousness and loudness, time after time?

I like to ask a lot of questions. Mostly because I have the curiosity of a puppy at a park.

I tend to mimic what I like, and somehow make it into my own. Fake it till you make it, yes?

Then again, sometimes I have no control about what comes out of my heart/head, and I don’t believe much in editing myself.

Because, as much as I am writing for you, dear readers, I am also writing for me. To really get a grasp of all of those spew-y feelings and thoughts that tend to hide from the light, and fester and grow fangs.

So, in regards to change, who knows?  It happens, it never stops, and I am pretty sure it balks at being corralled.

One thing I know for sure is, I will always be truthful, even if my voice shakes.

You can bet on it.


(See, the same, but different)